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For Autodesk® Revit®

Analyze your BIM model using OpenPath to determine if it complies with the ADA and other Accessibility law.

Take the Difficulty Out of Accessible Design

Since 2010, complying with the ADA law required reading and digesting the thousands of requirements documented in the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and incorporating them into your designs, or hiring ADA experts to review your design documents and models. Finally, there is relief in sight for designers and architects! OpenPath evaluates your BIM model as you work to tell you if your design is in compliance with the ADA, and why or why not.

Integrated with Autodesk Revit

OpenPath is integrated into the Autodesk Revit software and runs on your computer. This allows designers and architects to run the design rule checks on your design as you design it, removing possible compliance issues before they affect other items. It also keeps your data in-house, reducing the risk of IP theft.

Works at multiple LOD

OpenPath works at multiple levels of detail, allowing you to determine compliance even if your modelling standards don't require high LOD designs.

Full Reporting

OpenPath™ creates interactive reports that allow you to understand why (or why not) the item being checked complies with the ADA or other accessibility law.

Saves Time and Money

OpenPath saves time and money by reducing the time necessary for design review and corrections. OpenPath's analysis and reporting allows architects and designers to shorten the review process, which helps them deal with issues earlier in the design process.

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