PathTracer for Microsoft Project
PathTracer™ is a productivity add-in for Microsoft® Project that allows you to surf your schedule like the web! Now you can easily surf the Critical Path of your schedule or follow multiple Predecessors or Successors of Tasks without excessive scrolling and clicking, saving you time and money. Best of all, PathTracer is priced so it pays for itself in the first week of use! Get PathTracer today, and make building and managing your Project Schedule less time consuming and frustrating.
Easily Trace Your Task Links
Surf your project schedule just like the web! Finding a linked Task is as easy as selecting a Task and then clicking on the Predecessor or Successor button.

This is on the Critical Path

This is not
Follow the Critical Path
When multiple links between Tasks are present, links to Tasks that are on the Critical Path, are Driving Predecessors or Driven Successors, are highlighted.
Use PathTracer in all Views
PathTracer™ can be used in all Task related Microsoft® Project Views, including Task Sheet, Gantt Chart, Network Diagram, Task Usage and Resources Usage Views.

Easy to Learn and Use
PathTracer is so simple, it only takes about 5 minutes to learn to use. You can start saving time, money and frustration immediately!